Too Young (Phoenix) – Trilha de Lost in Translation
Baby when I saw you turning at the end of the street
I knew a time was gone and it took me like ages
Just to understand that I was afraid to be a simple guy
I tried my best to smile but deep inside my heart
I felt it was shouting like a crowd dancing
I guess I couldn’t live without the things that made my life what it is
Can’t you hear it calling oh yeah
Everybody’s dancin’ oh yeah
Tonight everything is over
I feel too young
I can’t lie on my bed without thinking I was wrong
But when this feeling calls this world becomes another
Nighttime won’t hold me in your arms again
I got a very good friend who says he can’t believe the love I give
Is not enough to end your fears
I guess I couldn’t live without the things that made my life what it is
Can’t you hear it calling oh yeah
Everybody’s shakin’ oh yeah
Tonight everything is over
I feel too young
Oh rainfalls and hard times coming they won’t leave me tonight
I wish I knew what I was doing
Just do let this spirit survive
Can’t you hear me calling oh yeah
I guess I couldn’t live without the things that made my life what it is
Can’t you hear me calling oh yeah
Everybody’s dancing oh yeah
Tonight everything is over
I feel too young

Oi Marcelo, tudo bem?
Me esclarece uma dúvida, tem como, usando o webloggar, colocar música para tocar até ser feito um novo post?
Ou então, tem como colocar um tipo de link para se escutar a música que a gente recomenda, sem ter que ficar a música tocando sozinha?
Se tem como fazer isso, mesmo sem o wbloggar, como se faz?